The Listening module in PTE A test gets a little challenging as it requires one to concentrate and focus in a very noisy and confusing ambiance. The task of highlighting incorrect words aims at assessing both the listening and the reading skills of a test taker. So there is a lot that is expected from them in this section. And that is exactly where practice makes all the difference! But having a few tips for the trade can also go a long way. So here are a PTE Highlight Incorrect Words tips that can help you perform better at the task, along with sample questions and answers.
PTE Highlight Incorrect Words Tips To Score High
- When practicing for the PTE Listening section, make sure that you are practicing with a variety of accents and different speaking speeds. And a simple way to do so is by practicing a wide variety of sample questions; take up a PTE practice test and PTE mock test.
- We all are aware that PTE test centers have a very noisy ambiance due to the nature of questions asked in it. So it will only make sense to practice in a similar kind of environment.
- Do not stop at every word that you miss listening; this will take up a lot of your time. You may read this article which will help you with time management in PTE listening.
- Highlight an incorrect word only when you are very sure about it or else skip that.
- Do not make any hasty changes to your choice of highlighted words after the audio has ended. Change them only when you are very sure about your mistake.
- The PTE Listening task is one of those tasks where taking notes will not help so avoid dividing your focus in taking any kind of notes. What you must do instead is listening to the audio attentively and focus on moving the cursor on the transcript simultaneously.
- You have to stay focused while appearing the highlight incorrect words, as listening and reading simultaneously you can lose your track, you will end up wasting a lot of time and effort which will affect your overall scoring and listening score as well.
- As there is negative marking, you should try to avoid the word which you are not a hundred percent sure, or else it will adversely affect your overall score. Although this question type is easy to score, sometimes it can lower your score if you take it lightly during the exam.
Sample Question of PTE Highlight Incorrect Words with Answers
We’re going to have a short written assessment which will happen every fortnight. You will all be broken up into small groups, so feel free to ask any questions as I go along. And we’ll also ask you to assimilate. So if you’d all like to open your books to page one.
Incorrect Words: Broken, assimilate
Correct Words: taken, participate
Veteran sportswriter and victim professor Justice B. Hill on August 1st at the annual meeting of the National Association of Black Journalists in Orlando. But that resolution won’t be easy. “The science will always stay ahead of the detection. I did an interview conceivably with a bioethicist from Case Western Reserve University. And one of the things he advocates is, let players use whatever they want to under a doctor’s supervision. Because he understands—I did a piece years ago where I was talking to one of the foremost authorities on PEDs, and one of the things he said was we’re going to get into gene cloning. “The calibration of the technology is going to make this detection game even more dicier in the years to come. And I think baseball, the union, all of them are tired of the discussion of steroids. They want to get back to the playing of the game. And that’s a huge issue for those of us who love baseball.”
Incorrect Words: victim, conceivably, calibration
Correct Words: journalism, recently, sophistication
FAQs Related to Highlighting Incorrect Words
How can I accurately highlight incorrect words in the PTE?
Practice active listening with diverse English content. Focus on discrepancies between spoken words and the transcript. Click on words in the transcript that don’t match the audio.
How to avoid negative marking in “Highlight Incorrect Words”?
Be selective. Only highlight words you’re certain don’t match the audio. Guessing can lead to unnecessary point deductions due to the negative marking system.
How can I identify the maximum number of incorrect words without missing any?
Sharpen your focus on the audio and read along closely. Improve your vocabulary and practice with various accents to catch subtle differences.
How to enhance my dictation skills for PTE?
Listen to English audio and practice writing what you hear. Start with slower, clearer pieces, gradually moving to faster, more complex conversations.
How can I quickly spot incorrect words in the PTE listening task?
Develop a strong vocabulary and understand common phrases. This knowledge helps in quickly identifying words that out of context.
How to get better at understanding different accents for PTE?
Expose yourself to English spoken with various accents through movies, podcasts, and news channels. This diversity will aid in better comprehension during the exam.
Always remember that consistent practice is the key to achieving your desired PTE Academic score. Taking full-length PTE practice tests or section-wise practice tests helps you identify and overcome any challenges in specific question types. To enhance your preparation, Gurully offers AI-evaluated mock tests with real-time scoring and in-depth feedback. If you need assistance in understanding the latest features on our platform, feel free to reach out to our team. Start practicing with Gurully today and boost your PTE score!
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