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Tips to Improve the Overall Score for PTE Reading Section

In this article, you will have in-depth knowledge about the PTE reading section and also give you tips and tricks to increase the overall score for PTE academics.

PTE reading section is aimed at evaluating a candidate’s ability to read and interpret academic English. Dividing the reading section into various tasks, it assesses a test tasker’s ability to analyze and comprehend academic vocabulary.

The candidate must be able to identify the topic, supporting points, examples, and the context in which the text is written. The total time allotted for the reading section is approximately 29-30 minutes to solve around 13–18 questions.

The first general tips that will be implemented to all the PTE reading question is:

Skimming and Scanning

Many students find it difficult to read the whole given paragraph and give the correct answer. They try to read the whole paragraph with its meaning. Instead, they can develop a practice of skimming through the long text and try to get the idea by reading quickly through the text. By developing this trick, you can save a lot of time and can focus on the text where the answer is given. You can develop this technique by reading the newspaper daily and reading online articles for half an hour continuously. Remember this, the PTE reading skimming technique is useful in saving time for the whole section and giving the answer quickly and correctly.

Time Management

The other key factor which drops the student’s score in the exam is lack of time management. It plays a vital role to jump from 65 to 79 marks if you pay enough attention and are active during the exam. In the PTE reading section, one should spend more time on a question that carries more marks and try to skip the question of less importance. For example, PTE fills in the blanks (Reading & Writing) which carry more marks as compared to others. So, try focusing on this question and give as many as correct answers.

The other PTE reading tips for overcoming the other question types are:

Multiple Choice, Choose Single Answer

Try to understand the given text by implementing the above skimming and scanning technique. After understanding, try to use the rule of elimination, by which you can narrow down to the correct answer. Try to find the synonyms or the sentence in which the words related to the question are asked. Lastly, do remember this question type does not carry the negative marking, so after spending 1 or 1.5 minutes choose the best possible answer and move on to the next question.

Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer

Implement all the above-mentioned techniques in Multiple choice multiple answers. Just remember one thing, this question type carries negative marking. So, unless and until if you are 100 percent sure, don’t select the answer.

Reorder Paragraph

First, try to find out the topic sentence, which can stand alone and can convey the meaning independently. After that, try to look out the sequence sentence using subject+verb+object rule, which will give you further information about the whole structure. Always look for the dates or years, it will make your task easier in the exam. Remember, there is 1 mark for each correct pair.

Fill in the blanks (Drag & Drop) and Fill in the Blanks (Reading & Writing)

For both the filling the blanks, the important part is grammar. The collocation also plays a key role in finding the correct answer. By practicing, you will be able to develop a technique to find the correct answer. Concentrate on the parts of speech before and after the blank, it will help in finding the missing word. Most of the time, missing word will have a synonym in the text provided.

For practicing and implementing the more PTE reading tips in the PTE mock test, you can sign up at the 79score.com platform and perform the scored exam for better results. These PTE reading tips will help you to overcome your fear of losing marks and completing the exam on time better time management in PTE Academic.


