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PTE 79+ Techniques,  PTE Speaking Tricks

Avoid PTE Speaking Common Mistakes

The PTE speaking section always creates fears in the minds of test-takers, especially for non-native speakers. The First thing I would suggest is give multiple PTE mock test. It is often seen that PTE aspirants perform well in all three sections, and are unable to crack the speaking section. Since PTE is a computer-based exam, each task can be prepared if proper techniques are followed. There are plenty of things you can do to improve your English language skills and subsequently increase your PTE speaking score. Let’s look at some things that should be completely avoided during the PTE speaking section.

The Position of the Microphone:

Before diving into the details of the PTE speaking, the most important thing that should be taken care of is the mic position. It is often seen that students are unaware of how to keep the mic in a proper position to record their voice cleanly. So, what’s the best position for the microphone? After testing with the official PTE mock test and as per the official Pearson guidelines, our PTE experts advise that the best position for the microphone is to place it parallel to the chin. This position will ensure that your breathing sound is not captured while speaking.  Furthermore, test-takers should avoid touching the microphone. Every time you touch the mic; you are creating unnecessary sound, which can lower your PTE speaking score.

Best to Test the Microphone:

Before starting the exam, the test-taker must check the microphone provided at the center. During the introduction, Pearson allows you to check your recorded voice. Therefore, if found any issue with the microphone then change the microphone with immediate effect. Never ever start the exam without testing the microphone.

Avoid at Quicker Pace in the PTE Speaking:

For PTE, speaking is assessed on two important elements- ‘Oral fluency’ and ‘Pronunciation’. Oral fluency is measured on the basis of the flow of speech and the correct use of the language. Pronunciation, at the same time, is measured by clear and natural articulation that is understandable to the native speakers. In order to get higher marks for Oral fluency, there is a common misconception that is spreading online. The rumors say that if you speak quickly without taking a proper pause then you can score higher marks. This is totally false teaching which has been spread online. As per the Pearson official, an algorithm will investigate your intonation, your lunatic, and pronunciation. It is also very hard to sound natural if you are speaking too quickly, so just slow it down.

Speak in the Natural Flow & Avoid Umming and Urrhing:

It has been seen that, when it comes to PTE speaking in the exam, students change their way of speaking then the normal. Suddenly the pressure of the exam and trying hard to be normal, they often forget their normal way of speaking. They start sounding like a robot who is reading the instruction. As a result, The PTE algorithm gives them 0 for the intonation and fluency. So, try to be a natural speaker as possible as it can happen. One thing you can do to work on it is that you can record your voice while reading a newspaper. The other technique which you can implement is that, try giving PTE practice tests to improve your speaking section.

Lastly, avoid fumbling when you give answers for PTE speaking. We unconsciously say some words while we are thinking, which probably is a big mistake you can do while giving the exam. The computer will count that word as an extra word and reduce your marks for the content.

Improve Your PTE speaking test by Joining the 79score.com Practice Test!

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  • Let evaluate the PTE mock test and get scorecard feedback of your performances in all the PTE sections such as: speaking, writing, reading, and listening tests.
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  • Practice the difficult tasks with our latest and updated PTE exam questions such as: “Describe images” “essay writing” “Re-tell lecture” and “Summarize written text” etc.
  • Do continuous practice tests with our scored mock test and acknowledge yourself by knowing your level in the PTE exam.
  • Get prepared before appearing in the PTE exam. Our tests will boost your confidence and get rid of your nervousness on the PTE Exam date.

It’s easier said than it’s done. So, try to avoid these common mistakes while PTE speaking, which can decrease your marks dramatically. The more you practice, the more you can be cautious about these mistakes and avoid them during the real exam.

To implement and reduce the mistakes in the real exam, you can also try the full-length PTE practice test at the 79score.com platform. These PTE practice test will improve your overall fear of the exam and provide you the environment for nurturing your skills. We only insisit on getting better day by day at time management and confidence. Practicing maximum PTE mock test can help you in PTE exam.
