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Which PTE Module should I Focus More to Prepare for the PTE Exam?

PTE exam is the key to success in any sense. It can provide you with quick access to global education and career opportunities. However, this will only happen when you get success in this exam.

Designed to testify four kinds of English skills, making it through the exam is not as easy as it seems. For some, it is not less than touching the skies. While each section demands a certain kind of commitment and dedication, few sections are more demanding.

If you a PTE aspirant, you must know what demands how much. You must be aware of the difficulty level of the exam module to plan accordingly.

This post guides on this subject matter only.

PTE Exam Module – Which One Is the Toughest Of All?

PTE exam is divided into four modules: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Using these modules, the exam tries to validate how good is a candidate in English speaking, reading, writing, and listening.

Now, which is the toughest of all?

Well, this is a burning question as its answer varies from person to person. Some candidates are good at speaking while others have a great hold over writing skills. Some test-taker might a hefty vocabulary while some are too poor in spelling.

So, deciding on one module is not that easy. However, based on the experience of past test-taker and because this test is for non-native speakers, reading and speaking modules are the tough ones.

If you want to score big in the PTE exam and come-up with flying colours, you must focus on these two modules the most.

Note – Each section will become an uphill struggle if the candidate doesn’t pay heed to time-management. It is crucial for each section and one of the most crucial success-deciding factor.

Reasons? Well, we are going to explain them right away.

  • Reading

    The reading module of the PTE exam is more like an academic module containing advance and difficult words; the right and clear pronunciation of those words can be a tricky job for non-native speakers.Most of the questions in this module revolve around collocations. This is one skill that takes time to gain mastery. One has to remain around a native speaking environment for some time.

    Also, it is tough to improve reading skills and gain native-like expertise in a short time.

  • Speaking

    This module is also a tough trail because it demands the test taker to be more than an average English speaker. One must speak without any breaks and hesitations. Breaks longer than 3 seconds will stop the response recording and all your efforts will go in vain.Words/sentence pronunciation should be clear. One must stick to the time limit as well. The whole answer must be recorded before the clock runs out of time.

    However, all these hurdles can be overcome easily if you have the PTE mock tests of 79Score by your side. With these mock tests, you can hone your reading and speaking skills up to an extent where success is a sure thing.

Wrapping Up

Reading and speaking modules may seem a bit tougher than the rest modules, PTE mock tests of 79Score will make your exam ready in no time. Refer them for sure success.
